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Eco-Power! What does it mean to "Live Green"?

on 01 September 2011

We see commercials and new products everyday that tell us and show us how to live a green life. Cars are green. Shopping bags are green. Even our shampoo is green. But what does it mean to live green?

To be green simply put is to play your part by participating in actions that help our planet. Biodegradable products do not pollute. Electric cars do not produce emissions like gasoline powered ones do. Recycling saves time and natural resources since we reuse the same material again and again. My personal favorite are the reusable shopping bags, but better yet Puma's Clever Little Shopper is made out of only cornstarch! The dye is biodegradable too!

But still... doesn't it seem like people are just making all these new things that are "environmentally friendly" just to make money? Of course it does, and I'm sure that is probably very true for some producers. In the long run, by switching all of our environmentally damaging goods for friendly ones we will be helping the planet. Helping our planet will ensure that future generations will be able to enjoy the same resources we have enjoyed and maybe even better, more healthier lives.


Why not play your part? Turn off the lights and unplug appliances you're not using. Walk to the corner to pick up milk instead of driving. Recycle your cans and bottles, cardboard and paper. Save that Ziploc bag from your child's lunch and put another sandwich in it tomorrow. Pay the extra fifty cents for biodegradable trash bags and napkins. If you want to buy a new car, go ahead and get that electric one you thought was more expensive: you'll make all the money back if you stop buying gas (not to mention gas is just too expensive and keeps getting higher in cost!). It is not hard to live a life that is kinder to the environment. This is the only home we have... so take care of it!

Visit us every Thursday for more Eco-Power features on BermudaQuest! Thanks for your visit!


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Banner created by Melanie Magdalena.

Images courtesy of: Ricardo Liberato (Pyramids of Giza), Aurbina (Moai), Maria Reiche (Nazca), Zunkir (Gobekli Tepe), Bjorn Christian Torrissen (Chichen Itza), Gareth Wiscombe (Stonehenge).

Images were released to the public and/or licensed under Creative Commons.

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