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Curiosity to Land on Mars [UPDATED]

on 05 August 2012

Curiosity [NASA/JPL-Caltech]

UPDATE: 12:47 AM (CDT) 6-AUGUST-2012

The first two images from Curiosity with wheels on the ground, safe and sound.
Thank you everyone involved and CONGRATULATIONS!

As you may have heard, we're about to witness a third astronomical and historical event this year. At 12:32 am (CDT) on August 6, 2012, the NASA rover known as Curiosity will land on Mars. The fate of future exploration on the Red Planet depends on the two thousand pound car size rover's successful landing. A lot of things need to go right - and with a 14-minute delay in transmission, we won't know if the landing went well or not... but, USTREAM will be providing live coverage of the event, just like the Venus Transit. We've added the feed here so you can watch this phenomenal event. We have our fingers crossed!

The live streaming has passed. Please view the video above for the live recording.

If you live in Austin, Texas, there will be a free party at ND for all ages - plus there will be live coverage of the event. Though the landing is after midnight, Austin Planetarium will start off the Mars Landing Party with their mobile dome planetarium. The Texas Space Grant Consortium will have "Mars Bingo" and a replica of the Curiosity rover will be present. 


Unknown said...

Check out the first images

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Banner created by Melanie Magdalena.

Images courtesy of: Ricardo Liberato (Pyramids of Giza), Aurbina (Moai), Maria Reiche (Nazca), Zunkir (Gobekli Tepe), Bjorn Christian Torrissen (Chichen Itza), Gareth Wiscombe (Stonehenge).

Images were released to the public and/or licensed under Creative Commons.

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Welcome to BermudaQuest, a free online journal primarily about Archaeology, Ancient History, and stories about different cultures from around the world.

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