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Civilizations Around the World: The Olmec

on 07 September 2011

Traveling the Ancient World in 365 Days

Who: The Olmec

When: 1500 - 200 BCE

Where: Along the Mexican Gulf Coast in the tropical low-lands of South-Central America, roughly in the modern day Mexican states of Veracruz, Tobasco, and Campeche.

The Olmec were the ancestors of later day Mesoamerican civilizations, such as the Maya and the Toltec, whom emerged after the disappearance of the Olmec. The Olmec cleared forests to plant their main foods (maize, squash, beans, and tomatoes), built temples on tall pyramids, and expressed their strong warlike beliefs in stone relief carvings. The Olmec were known as the "people of the jaguar". They believed in half-man half-animal gods and deities, the Jaguar being the most favored. 

One of the most popular Olmec sites is La Venta, located in present day Mexican state of Tobasco. La Venta contains a restricted sacred area (Complex A), the Great Pyramid, and the large plaza to their south. La Venta also is known as a ceremonial center containing an elaborate series tombs and temples, as well as monumental sculptures. Stone monuments, stelae, and magnificent altars (some up to 2 meters tall and double in length) were carefully distributed amongst the mounds and platforms. These elevated areas were built largely from local sands and clays. It is assumed by archaeologists that many of these platforms were once topped with wooden structures, which have disappeared throughout the years.

What most intrigues archaeologists the most, which also happens to be the main form of Olmec recognition, are the colossal heads (at least 17 found so far) found throughout the Olmec sites. The colossal heads are believed to depict rulers of the civilizations due to the “helmet” all of the giant heads wore. A single colossal head can be about 1.5 meters tall and be carved entirely out of a single piece of precious rock such as jade.

The Olmec are still a mysterious civilization, with every find another piece is added to the puzzle and someday the Olmec will be figured out. Until then, archaeologists are hard at work deciphering glyphs and piecing together clues left behind by the mysterious Olmec, the people of the jaguar.

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About the Author

I'm Jose Pierre and I like learning about all aspects of culture, both ancient and modern. I enjoy learning how they communicated, expressed themselves, and their technology.


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Banner created by Melanie Magdalena.

Images courtesy of: Ricardo Liberato (Pyramids of Giza), Aurbina (Moai), Maria Reiche (Nazca), Zunkir (Gobekli Tepe), Bjorn Christian Torrissen (Chichen Itza), Gareth Wiscombe (Stonehenge).

Images were released to the public and/or licensed under Creative Commons.

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