The following is a media review and summary.
Charles Darwin Seated
Henry Maull (1829–1914) and John Fox (1832–1907)
Finally he developed the theory that species of animals are not fixed, species slowly change throughout time.
How could animals of the same species develop different characteristics? He named this natural selection. Natural selection means that the fittest within a species survive within the environment.
Certain traits and characteristics can help the individual survive its environment and allow it to reproduce. The traits are then passed to the offspring over time, that specific trait needed to survive in the specific environment becomes more frequent in offspring.
An example of natural selection Darwin used was the different beaks within the finches and the different shells the tortoises had. The finches with a thin beak are specialized at catching bugs in the air, while the finches with wider sharper beaks are specialized in cracking open nuts to obtain food. Tortoises with a round shell tended to eat food on the ground and tortoises with a peeked shell allowed them to reach higher plants. The different beaks and shells is evidence that certain traits are specialized within a certain environment.
The actions of Charles Darwin proved that species are not fixed. Species slowly change over time to develop traits that best help to survive in their environments.
The actions of Charles Darwin proved that species are not fixed. Species slowly change over time to develop traits that best help to survive in their environments.
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