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Table Mountain National Park

on 19 July 2013

Main attractions within Table Mountain National Park

Table Mountain National Park, which is found in the popular tourist city of Cape Town, South Africa, is a national heritage site and is haven of beautiful natural landscapes and attractions. The Table Mountain National Park offers a number of beautiful hikes and walks for visitors to enjoy and is home to many of Cape Town’s must-visit attractions.

Photo of Table Mountain by George M Groutas, Flickr.

Cape of Good Hope

This is where visitors can come and learn about the landscape and environment at the Cape Point visitor centre or take thefunicular or walk to one of the lighthouses overlooking the point where two oceans are said to meet. The reserve surrounding Cape Point is home a variety of birds and lizards as well as some larger wildlife such as zebras, antelope, caracal and ostrich.Spend a couple hours here and picnic at one of the beaches or enjoy a leisurely lunch at the restaurant with spectacular views over False Bay – just remember to keep an eye out for the cheeky baboons!

Boulder’s Beach

Located near Simonstown, Boulder’s Beach is home to a land based breeding colony of cute African penguins. Take a swim on the beach amongst the penguins or simply view these unique birds from one the boardwalks.

Table Mountain

Enjoy a multitude of hikes and walks on the slopes or up to the top of the mountain or if you are not feeling that enthusiastic, enjoy the fabulous views from the cableway. For the more adventurous you can abseil or rock climb the mountain or even stay overnight in one of the little chalets on top of this iconic Cape Town attraction.


Enjoy nature walks on the Constantiaberg Mountain amongst the spectacular fynbos or take a refreshing swim in the beautiful dam or enjoy a picnic on the banks. Silvermine offers something for everyone with waterfalls, dog-walking and mountain bike tracks and even a wheelchair friendly boardwalk.

Signal Hill and Lions Head

The city surrounds these iconic Cape Town landmarks. Thenoon day gun goes off from signal hill and Lions Head is a popular hike for locals particularly when there is a full moon.Take a couple of friends along for a walk and enjoy gorgeous sunset views looking out towards the ocean.

This guest post was submitted by Janine Mare. To book your accommodation or to do a tour of Cape Town’s attractions, contact South African Hotels.


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Banner created by Melanie Magdalena.

Images courtesy of: Ricardo Liberato (Pyramids of Giza), Aurbina (Moai), Maria Reiche (Nazca), Zunkir (Gobekli Tepe), Bjorn Christian Torrissen (Chichen Itza), Gareth Wiscombe (Stonehenge).

Images were released to the public and/or licensed under Creative Commons.

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